How To Add A Location
When adding your location, its best to have three separate entries. One for sales (ie, Tugun DealerStudio - Sales), one for service, (ie, Tugun DealerStudio - Service) and one for parts (ie, Tugun DealerStudio - Parts).
Adding locations is very easy with only some brief data entries required. To create the location you will need the address, phone number and the opening hours of the location.
Step one: Access "Locations" in your dealership settings
Navigate to the dashboard of your dealership on DealerStudio and access settings on the tab on the left hand side.
Once you have entered settings, navigate to the "Locations" tab.
Step two: Add the new location
Once you have entered the "Locations" tab, click on the "New Location" button.
Entering the data
Add the name of the dealership, making sure not to add "Sales", "Service" or "Parts" in the name, leave that for the location type.
The next bit contains areas that may be dealership specific and you can add them in accordingly, but these are all non-required prompts. Therefore you can leave them blank if you wish.
The disclaimer is automatically entered but there some things you will need to change, such as entering your dealerships name in the [dealership_name] sections.
And finally, for the address it will present the options of the listed addresses that you have entered on DealerStudio so select the relevant address. Next enter your dealerships number and social media links. Lastly, include the open hours of the dealership.
Step three: Create the location
At the bottom of the page, click the "Create Location" button.
And thats it, have fun adding locations!!!