How to Add a Blog

Step one: Access your Dealer Studio Dashboard

Firstly, start on the dashboard and use the sidebar to navigate to the "Websites" tab.

Where you can now access the "Blogs" option on your dealerships website.

Step two: Make a new post

To start writing your blog look to the top right where the "New Post" option is.

Once you've created the new post, use the settings icon in the top right to add a title, a meta description that will appear before the consumer clicks on the blog post, and an author.

Simply click back to the text box to save and continue writing the bulk of the blog post.

Step three: Add content

Use the text box to add the content that you want to get across to the consumer. Make sure to also make use of the "+" icon that appears to the left of the text box to include photos, car listings, and other formatting that will make the blog post inviting. See How to Add Cars to a Page for greater detail on this feature.

Step four: Save and publish

Use the "Save" button upon the top right of the window to save the blog post where it is, you can use this feature even when you aren’t ready for the post to go live.

Then when you are ready and the blog looks good, click the "Publish" button for the blog post to go live. Make sure to consult the website after posting it to make sure it came out right!

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