Team Dashboard: A Quick Guide

The Team tab provides a comprehensive overview of your dealership’s staff.

This tab displays key information about each team member, including their name, email, role, location, and category (e.g., sales, service, management). Additionally, the tab shows the Google rating for each team member, allowing you to track customer feedback and performance.

Managing a Team Member

Under the Actions section in the Team Tab, you can manage your team members by editing a team member's details, resending their invite, matching or removing reviews, and assisting with resetting their password. Additionally, you can log in as a team member for troubleshooting or remove them from the dealership when necessary.

Add User

To add a new user to your dealership, simply click the + User button. From there, you can enter the user's details, including their name, email, and role within the team. This allows you to manage access and permissions, ensuring the right people have the right level of access to your dealership's dashboard and tools.

Download Team Member List (CSV)

You can download team lists as a CSV, making it easy to manage or share team information for internal purposes or reporting.

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