How to Create Offers

In this article I will show you how to create an offer using the DealerStudio platform.

Step one: Access the "Offers" tab in DealerStudio

Step two: Create a new offer using the "+ Offer" button

On this page you can also access the current offers that are listed for your dealership and you can view the expired offers by clicking the "Expired" button.

Step three: Start adding the contents of the offer

A pop up menu will appear where you can add the relevant content for the offer. Start this process by choosing the image you would like to accompany the offer and giving the offer a title.

Next, you can add a description of the offer. Please make use of the bar atop the text box to format your text in a more inviting way. You can add titles, embolden the text, and add dot points. Making use of this feature can make the offer look far more appealing.

Next, add an expiry date by clicking on the little calendar icon and selecting your desired end date. Then add the disclaimer. And lastly, select which category this offer goes under, it could be a parts offer, used car offer, etc.

Step four: Review and create the offer

Once you have finalised the contents of the offer and your happy with everything, click the "Create Offer" button.

Once you have clicked this you can still go back and edit, by heading to the offers tab in DealerStudio and viewing the active offers. Also use the menu above an offer for more options.

And thats it, you have made an offer for your dealership using DealerStudio.

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