How to add Facebook Conversions API token
Step one: Access Dealer Studio website and select "Plugins"
From the Dealer Studio Dashboard, use the sidebar to navigate to "Websites", select the website to add Facebook Pixel and Token.
Step two: Go to your Facebook Business Settings to add pixel and token
If you have an existing pixel you would like to use then do not create a new one. Skip to step four below instead.
Step three: Create a new pixel and Open In Events Manager
Go through regular steps to create a new Facebook Pixel Dataset, add People and Connect assets. Then click the "Open in Events Manager" button in upper right hand corner.
Step four: Copy the Dataset ID from the Settings tab
Step five: Paste Dataset ID into the Facebook Pixel ID field in Dealer Studio
Step six: Go back to Facebook Events Manager and click the Generate access token link
Step seven: Copy the token and go back to Dealer Studio Plugins
Paste the token into the "Facebook conversion access token" box.
Step eight: Once both fields are populated, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Website.
The website will then need to rebuild itself which can take 15-20 minutes.
Well done! You now able to use Facebook Conversions API with your campaigns.
*For best results, create your add as a Lead campaign and ensure you select the new Facebook Pixel and Conversion Event ‘Lead’ for your campaigns.