Understanding Service Settings

Service settings can be accessed in the sidebar through the "Settings" option. It allows for you to make changes to your dealerships booking times, available bookings per time slot, ect.

Available Service Booking Times

This is where you make available all the time slots that your dealership offers. It is displayed in 24 hour time.

  • To remove a time slot, simply press your backspace button.
  • To add one, type out the available time, or scroll through the options that appear in the drop down menu.
  • To block out a day, make it so no times are shown.

Remember to select your timezone.

Maximum Bookings per Time Slot

Bookings per time slot simply refers to how many cars can be booked in to a certain time slot. Change this by utilising the drop down box and highlight how many cars you can accommodate.

Notice Required for Booking

You alter this one by simply accessing the drop down menu and select how much notice is required to make a booking. E.g 24 hours.

Blocked Times

Utilise blocked times for a day or time that servicing is not available. It's main purpose is to make servicing unavailable for any non-recurrent reason.

Block a time out by selecting the "New Blocked Time", and then stipulate the start time and end time in the boxes. Remember to press "Save" when you have reviewed the times.

Saving the Changes

You simply save the changes made by clicking the "Save" button. Remember to review the new changes as it becomes live as soon as its selected.

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